*Youth Exchange: Discover Culture*
*Location:* Władysławowo, Poland
*Youth Exchange:* 13/11-21/11/2024

*About Us*
EUROMED EVE POLSKA is a non-governmental organization in Poland dedicated to empowering young people from diverse backgrounds. We focus on youth facing mental disabilities, rural youngsters, and families in challenging socioeconomic situations. Our initiatives promote personal growth, democratic citizenship, volunteering, and international mobility through programs like Erasmus+.

*About Erasmus+*
Erasmus+ is a European educational program aimed at modernizing education and promoting international cooperation. It offers opportunities for participants to study, work, volunteer, and learn across Europe. Youth exchanges foster cultural understanding, international teamwork, and the development of new skills, while promoting democratic principles and European unity. Each participant receives a Youthpass Certificate.

*Our Aim*
The “Discover Culture” Youth Exchange aims to explore the traditions, customs, and cultural heritage of participating countries. National teams will share their unique cultural aspects, fostering cultural awareness, appreciation, and understanding of cultural diversity.

During the preparatory visit, each country is represented by one participant (aged 13-17) and one group leader (aged 25+). The main Youth Exchange will involve seven national teams, each comprising five participants (aged 13-17) and one group leader (aged 25+).

*Post-Project Tasks*
After the project, each national team will:
1. Present their experience in schools, NGOs, or local communities to inspire others to participate in similar projects. Share photos and project descriptions on the project’s WhatsApp chat.
2. Publish an article about the project in their native language on their sending organization’s webpage.

Travel reimbursement is contingent upon completion of travel documents and these tasks, following receipt of funding from the Polish National Agency. Reimbursement will be calculated using the Erasmus+ distance calculator.

*Important Information*
Participants are expected to refrain from using alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicants during project activities or free time. This is essential for full participation and receipt of travel reimbursement.

Join us in exploring cultures and building international friendships!

How to apply?
Application form-  https://visa-form.bitrix24site.ru/crm_form_sxzc1/